

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A couple more lessons....

Ok first things first.

I am so very grateful to have been invited to the Women's World Championship games.

I know I was more than just a little bit out of my league, but one of the first lessons from this weekend?  At the top of my game....I'd be right in there in the middle of the mix.

Was I?  Well, no.

Second lesson?

I did throw my best...the best that I could on that hot Sunday...especially in the moments I let go of being intimidated by all of these women. As the day started, I was well aware that my stones have, well, sucked since May of last year. Been working all sorts of drills to try to improve things. As I watched the women throw I realized each have their own particular strengths; Josee, Mindy, Emily, Katie the technicians. Beth, Stef, Ivory the power houses....JD, Heather,  Danielle dancing between the comes to mind...but I'll get better this year.  Actually, my open stone was over 31'.... 

Third lesson?

If people believe in me, it's time I believe in myself.

I KNEW going in that I was holding up the bottom...I was fine with that...I just wanted to do it~well.  I was hoping to have at least one event the I didn't come in last.  Guess what I only came in last in 3 events.  One of them was STUPID! I froze when it came time for heavy weight for distance.  I LIKE that event now, I throw mid 30's without much effort any more. I freaked out and did a single spin...messed with the timing...did not trust myself, my work...blew that one. But I jumped back in for lightweight after Mikeala got on me about trusting what I can do. Heavy hammer was difficult too...cracked 80 on the light. I found myself getting a little frustrated, then being able to let go and go back to it.  WOB was most frustrating, first time I have not cleared 15' in probably 2 years....but you know what? It happens.  I just moved on to the caber...

You know what I discovered all around me on Sunday? Throwers from New Mexico, Arizona, California, and even some of the beautiful women I was competing against treating my last place like a first.  

Seriously. Somehow I managed not to cry.

Even people I have only given high fives or hugs too...some I barely know...were proud of me. I made the choice to throw with them....I had signed up for Masters, but jumped at the invite when it came, knowing the chance to throw WITH these women would probably never come again. I mean, I am 46 after all.

 It was something to discover after years of the joke, "good job, first loser," when I would come in second. (Always with the added, "it's just a joke. Don't be so sensitive.") I realized how much that has played a part in my fantastic ability to dismiss myself.  :) maybe I am too sensitive!

Fourth lesson?

I guess I don't look my age.....I actually had to pull out my id...ok. I didn't have to, but our judge basically called me a liar and well the caber had nearly killed me, so I went and got my id to prove my age. I know, silly. But I have been know to do silly things after throwing all day in the sun.

I think I fell in love this weekend too...with Danielle...the strongest woman I have ever met, and with JD and even though I have met her before, with Ivory....I mean they are all just added to my giant love affair with Beth and Heather...looking forward to throwing again with Josee(welcome to Masters,)...and hoping to watch Mindy, Emily, Stef, and Katie throw again.

I rode a fine line this competition of knowing I couldn't win and not being focused enough...if I could...that would be the one thing I would change about this weekend.

Fifth lesson?

Drills do not equal throwing.

Holy moly, this came home to roost....foot drills are fine, line drills are great, but they are only good in addition to throwing. I have been working these hard in the gym in part because I no longer have a park across from my house.  And well, I guess I thought I could get away with it.  Last year I was out in the dirt 3-4 days a week.  Hitting clean feet on a gym floor or on wood did not translate onto dirt and grass...I am sure it helps if I was throwing as well...but I haven't been.  I don't even have my stones right now.  This will  I am adding Wednesday at the very least. 

I have another game in two weeks that I was really excited about, but, um, I got cast in a tv show that happens to film...well right at the same time!  


But well, you know.....

I lifted a little today...push press and back squats...light, but AWFUL.

Kinda like my favorite quote from the weekend.

"I may be old, but I'm slow."

Sheeeeez. That's me.  Not sure how to tweek my training....aside from adding real next game won't be until May in abq.  Until then, I will probably be posting "script reps" a lot.

Finally...thanks to everyone who helped put these games on...Ryan Seckman and all the judges, all the many throwers! All the volunteers, pulling tape, shagging weights, grabbing water, entering scores, set up, tear down, and all the other things I am forgetting and unaware of that it takes to get a game up and running. 

Thanks for all that you do that allows this old broken down lady to throw and discover myself.  

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