

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

one week gone....NO!!!!

It's ok, time moves.

So, 5 weeks now, and I am not really making enough progress to the 100,  I am at 102.7.

And what did I do since Friday to prep for Pleasanton??

Well, everyday, even this morning , I have been doing my PT work.  I have scheduled a massage.  I threw stones and weights in my yard on Saturday, and I threw hammers and weights on Sunday.

Not bad....the throwing though...ugh.  Something has shifted in my hammer, and not in the right direction. I am not even throwing it as far as I did in May....sigh....

Speed continues to be an issue....I am starting up too fast and I am not driving the hammer head....too gentle.  Ha.

As for the gym...yikes.

It is a testing week....Talked to BJ a little, this will be a 14 week program...focusing on getting the power production when you need it.  I won't be dialed in or peaking for Pleasanton, but you know...that's ok.  I am just happy to jump on this train...

So what did I test yesterday?

3 rep max on a clean...(sad) 125, probably could have gone a little higher.
2000 meter row  9:48.  I was happy with the pace I set to start and I was able to, at the 1/2 way mark, up the pace a little.
Vertical Jump  19.25 inches, hopefully I can increase this in 14 weeks.
Triple Jump thing  20.15 inches. So much jumping.

There is more testing the rest of the week....I'll post as I get these done.

I wanted to thank a couple more friend Grace.  I honestly cannot remember exactly when we met.  I am pretty sure I met her before my first game....but it was at my first game that she reached out a hand to me.  See, I showed up to my very first game without a kilt.  I didn't have much of anything with me.  Grace, who didn't really know me from a hole in the ground, gave me her car keys and told me to go get her extra kilt that was in her back seat. 
There it is....

Since then....well, Grace is my sister.  She has seen me through some pretty dark stuff; as well as one of the most joyful days of my life, and it all started over a borrowed kilt. 

That first game, I also met this crazy lady:
I know we are silly and goofy and shenanigans filled,  but Michelle has had my back from what feels like day one.  She has also fought for me when it wasn't even requested.  I am both inspired by her and made hopeful by her presence in my life.  It's great to be able to bounce not just the good things off of you, but the tough things we go through as aging athletes. The ways in which we can beat ourselves up unnecessarily. Somehow though...we move past that shit, I hope I help you move past it too, and inevitably crack ourselves up.

I love these two women, Grace and Michelle.

You both have shown me that I am worth being around, just for being me.  You have both shown me that I am an athlete, no matter how I actually throw on any given day. And frankly, you both have kept me coming back when I really wanted to walk away from both the games and myself.

Thanks you two...

Friday, July 27, 2018

workin'....wait, didn't I just say that?

Still in week 6, still looking for 100.

So Mona, what did you do the last few days to prep for Pleasanton?

I did go to the gym Wednesday and did loads of PT and active type stretching.  And drills....worked on hammer....scared the new guy Cody.  Don't worry buddy, I won't let it go.  Grant said I was pulling too fast right outta the gate, so that's what I focused on....slow that first wind down so I can feel where the weight is.  Thinking I was letting it get ahead of my swing.  Can't throw it at the wall, so I will have to wait til Sunday to see if I can keep the weight in the right spot. Then I did a little stone break down. 

This is how I feel working on stone.


Yesterday had me back at the gym, and the workout was weird.  Rowing...sprints.


Me...trying to go fast...on funny.

I had to do 100 meter sprints. 8 chances to get my fasted time. As soon as I got chances were up.

OK then:

1.  24 seconds
2. 20.8 seconds
3. 19.1 seconds
4. 19.4 seconds

OOOF...that last one was rough. I got off the rower on my hands and knees....heart pounding (you know how much that scares me) then got up and walked around.  I think I needed to rest a little more before that 4th attempt.  But for a heavy older athlete...I felt pretty good about those times.

I looked ahead to next weeks training and it look like I am starting a new block....all sorts of testing next week. rowing and running?  sigh....I have to do a double one of the days because we have another game in Colorado next weekend.  Should be funny.

Was planning on throwing last night, then the downpours showed I am behind on that.  Today?  Lots of walking and my PT stuff for my hips and knees....Had a day to hang out with my son today.  😊  Botanical Gardens...dang, I swear I love Botanical Gardens....

I was thinking about this 6 week thing to Pleasanton and it makes me think of all the people who have helped get me to this place.  There is no way in hell that I can name or thank everyone....but I was thinking about Chuck Thomas.

He and I go way back, more than 20 years.  Chuck used to play D&D and Magic with my ex...he even tried to teach me Magic (which was sorta fun).  It was chuck who I contacted when I was looking for something to do other than go to the gym and was tired of people telling me to "run a 5k"...for what ever reason, Chuck kept after me.  For those of you that haven't heard me tell the story, Cjuck sent me a list of events for the Highland games, I read it. Laughed my ass off and said, that looks like the dumbest shit ever, no way.  Well, Chuck kept bugging me to come down and try.  I finally did...'cause you know how he can be...and I loved it. Threw a hammer and was hooked.

Beyond that, Chuck was the first person to get on my about my attitude toward myself. He was also the first person to see potential in me as an athlete.  Athlete being a word I had NEVER NEVER NEVER used to describe myself.  He pushed me, sometimes literally....I got some good freaking bruises from that man...but he is also the one who started this small spark in me that I was "worth it."  Worth his time, worth MY time, worth the attention, worthy of being part of something.

Chuck is super busy right now, so I don't see him very much.  He has two young athletes that he is nurturing at home.  But I wanted to thank him again for sending me that ridiculous list of events in the highland games 8 or so years ago.  It sparked a lot of changes; some of them painful, but it's been worth it.

Thanks Chuck.

Keep your eyes open, someday I'll tackle you....ha, who am I kidding!  The man still plays rugby. I'm eating dirt and grass everytime....

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Ok...trying to annoy you all with my workout posts for the next 6 weeks...

No up date on my goal too know, it's been 2  I didn't lose weight..I haven't weighed in, so....

Ok...Monday Bj killed my hamstrings and ass....yesterday, I could barely hold a water bottle when I left the gym.

Warmed up, then Presses...I was supposed to go heavy, but it was sad.  Sad and hard.

1x105 missed!
1x105  got it.

Oooof...105 is not great, but there it is...

then I had this insanity:

Hold on rings at top
Close grip bench
21,15,9  @75

Yea...21 75.


Then a bunch of other shoulder and back stuff that left me super wobbly.

Well, Mona, what did you do to prep for Pleasanton?

I did stuff....really:  all the PT for my knee and my shoulder AND I worked with Grant last night on Stone and WFD before the lightening chased us off. 

I was mainly focusing on my head.  Yes, my head....keeping my head and eyes up.  Looking for loose change does not help my throwing.  I am also shifting my feet a little. I think I was a little wide in my stance, when I narrowed it, I felt like I got a little more speed outta my legs...

I threw for almost 30 minutes...which for me is plenty.

I am sore today and have a built in rest day...went for a nice walk this morning and I may got to the gym anyway and do the PT and some drills.

That's it.


Monday, July 23, 2018

6 & 100

I threw this weekend in Flag...and I was a mess...threw like hammered dog shit, as Grant likes to say.  My first throw was nice...easy, decent throw too, then the rest of the day....dang.  I haven't felt embarrassed by my throwing in a while...but I did and I must let that go.  My best event was by far the cherry pit spitting contest. The master's ladies really did have a blast...rain delays, lightening delays, diffucult news...we got to be there for one another, and that's such a huge part of what I love.

Ok then.

I managed it.....I got accepted back into Pleasanton! Super humbled and grateful for the chance to throw there again.  I knew last week, but I haven't made the time to write. 

Here is the list of ladies I get to throw with:

Women’s 40+ Masters Class:
#141 Michelle Crownhart – Phoenix, AZ
#142 Mona Malec – Santa Fe, NM
#143 Bethany Owen – San Jose, CA
#144 Kimberly Ross Pollard – Olivehurst, CA
#145 Rachel Smith – Tempe, AZ
#146 Dione Shastid – Hesperia, CA
#150 Kristina Vetter – Palo Alto, CA
#151 Katy Horgan – Phoenix, AZ


Six weeks....I am not the thrower I once was, you know that already.  But I have been busy giving all sorts of reasons why.  But it comes down to this, time and energy.  It has been going to other  parts of my life. You know what? Fucking Happily too....needed, necessary, and happily.

So here I am 6 weeks out from my favorite game, high pressure(partially self imposed) game, and what are my goals?

Numero Uno.....

Quick fucking with my own head.  I am where I am.  I am gonna work on my form and hopefully discover a little more speed.  Form hasn't really collapsed, but my speed has.....I am not nearly as strong as I used to be either. and you know what...that is freakin' OK!

Numero Dos.....
Remember this woman.....

What is the 100 for in this blog?

That is another goal....100...not pounds, but kilos...sounds funnier....I am headed there, but I'd like to get there before Pleasanton.

Ok...what did I do today on my six week plan, got up and walked this morning, did my PT work, and hit the gym this afternoon.

I'm sorry, the gym hit me. 

Damn you BJ.  He didn't label it 'Butt Stuff" , he should have.

Bulgarian split squats, hamstring things, glute bridges, then this one arm/one leg kettle bell thing that left me sad...and regretful of most of my life choices again.

It started with rows, so I grabbed the 12 kilo...when I finished the first set, I just laughed at way I'd get through all of that....had to drop to the 8...the RDLs with the 5 count down and the 5 count hold were the worst though...I mean the best. 

Good stuff there....  my ass hurts.

Another thrower, who has also needed to put their focus and energy on other things, and I are going to try to keep each other on track during these 6 weeks....two days of throwing need to get added.  Not to fix everything...not to get it all beck....not to be a beast....but to remember who we are, how to throw with a little ease instead of desperation, how not to beat ourselves up, and maybe remember how to stay in the trig. 😆

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Silly Project Update

ok....see, I am not hiding in this photo.
Or this one.
Or even the full group photo.

Thank Karen Hart for taking these photos.  I even posted them with dopey looks on my face.  Perhaps this was a good idea.  eh...who knows. 

Maybe some sort of internal progress.
(I needed an excuse to post a photo of these awesome new earrings from my sis Heather....)

A week and a half til Flag.  Haven't been to that game in 5 years.  Some huge revalations happened to me in that game 5 years ago....but I'll share that later.  Maybe after the game.

I am stiff and slow, but I am meeting my goal in the gym of being more present.  Even got my booty up and to IronSoul at 6 AM this morning.  It was really wonderful to work out with Grant again. 

Things feel chaotic.

I am trying to take one task at a time.

The oldest's Birthday is on Monday and I am just sending him lots of good JuJu from afar.  Maybe someday he will remember that I always love him.

I am feeling a little lost my here I sit in the chaos, typing away, somehow hoping the writing will keep the details from chewing me up. 

Thursday, July 5, 2018


Is it really July 5th?

I haven't posted since June 22, so much for keeping myself accountable with workouts and such. recap....Emery's recovery is going really well...I have been bugging him to start some yoga, but it's his recovery and I need to keep my nagging to myself.

I have been eating like crap.  Way too much sugar with all the traveling.  I am trying to get my ass back on track today.

So far so good, but it's early.  I figure if I can clamp back down for 3 days, I'll be a little better off. I am too scared to weigh in after all the June travel, but whatever.  I know I have put a few back on; saying I'm scared is kinda dumb.  I have been more consistent in the gym...I never really gave up, but what I am trying to do right now is to be more present while I am there.  Frankly go a little "harder" too.  Whatever the shit that means.  I will argue that actually means more present in my body and with what I am doing.

No reading magazines while working out for this old lady, not that there is anything wrong with that.  Moving is moving.

I am just trying to connect to myself in this way and it is simply what I need.

Got confirmation from Diego this week that BJ IS trying to either kill me or get me to quit Praxis.

We shall see sir, we shall see.

BJ has been pushing all sorts of not just one hand and one leg things, but a ton of throwing drills. Which feel suspiciously like cardio to me.

I am super grateful for all the work he puts in to my training, even when I seem to be incapable of matching that work.  He really is a gem.  But don't tell him...he may kick me out of the gym faster.

As for the weight thing...I am close to being down where I felt like it is good to throw from.  But I am weaker than I have been in a while, so I will have to just take this a day at a time.  A training session at a time...OHHHHH  I have been spinning too. Not the 45  minutes I used to do, but usually about 20 minutes 2-4 days a week.

The sober summer is coming along too.  The heat and not having a beer is annoying, but I am sorta over it finally.  I had a few days there where there was a little too much outside pressure to just have one since I had done so well so far.  I actually spoke up.



I said something.

That's big for me!

And it really is no big deal.

Rest day for me.  My hip is bugging me and I threw a bunch of stone yesterday.  Shitty. But I am trying.


Back to the gym tomorrow and if it stays a little cooler, I will throw as well. I looked at the workout that I will do tomorrow and it includes something called a suitcase dead lift.

Yeah....BJ is trying to kill me.