

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Clothing hound

Confession time.

If you know me in real life you might already know this.  I hate shopping for clothing.  Even when I was thin...which I had been long ago and far away...when I never ate....nothing fit.  Honestly, I didn't eat because I hated my body~even then...and I was tall...long legs...nothing fit.

Fast forward....I still hate shopping...for clothing...I shop maybe once every five years.  The only thing I keep up with are things like gloves for throwing, athletic shoes, and an occasional splurge on socks. I am not kidding.  Do you know what that means? Everything falls apart at once.  Which means I go to a store...any freaking store and drop some money on clothes and shoes that sorta work for the next five years. shoes...I have one pair of black shoes I wear all the time...the soles are split.  Suddenly a bunch of my shirts have tiny holes. I have torn toes in about half of my socks.  Some of my favorite skirts...the elastic or the zippers have gone kaput.

The worst?

The confession?

My bras....yes...ok wait for it....

During my dead lift work yesterday...I failed to exchange a sports bra for the one I wore to work...wanna know what happened when I had that 380 pound pull for a new one rep max?

Deep breath....huge pull...underwire...SNAPPED.




1 comment:

  1. Mona! Clearly it is time for either an intervention or a telethon. Your choice.....
