

Thursday, July 11, 2013

recap Valkyrie....

I'd love to recap these games....but I have a problem remembering anything that happened this day.  I am telling you one thing...if I can get to these games again next year....I am flying....four days in a car seemed like a good idea.  Well it sorta was,  the drive was lovely in too many ways to describe.

The throwing  Day started off with a bang...which is probably why I can't remember much.  Laura and Angela pulled up shortly after I did and then there was an issue with a tent. 

I honestly don't know how it started, but there were hysterics about the tent's first time and how tight it was and all of the expectations for the tent's first time being raised and all sorts of other stuff that literally made me fall to the ground clutching my gut.

I love Laura...she is killer competitive, a killer thrower, yet she is super supportive of other throwers in every way imaginable.  I have only been to a couple of games with~well~unpleasant competitors.  This game was never in danger of becoming that....a great group of women :Michelle (whee), Laura (stop making me laugh) Angela (grace!), Gretchen (my fellow mid life crisis athlete!) and Grant was our judge so with this group you can imagine the jokes.

As for events? 

Stones felt consistent....WFD was an absolute cluster fuck....I think probably the worst I've thrown in a year.  Laura gave me some good advise about my stupid feet.....I'm working on it already.  Hammers were....ok.  I was disappointed in my numbers....not sure what was going on.  It was during hammers that our group went rogue and started to measure each throw.  In Idaho & Utah the do this flag thing...Me no likey.

You place a flag with the throwers name on it in the spot, but don't measure...well,  if they throw further you move the flag....wellllll....sometimes, if it is on a steeper angle you can't we had sticks and leaves and extra flags all over the field.  We all decided too that we were not throwing as far as we thought without knowing the numbers.  Oh well..I know you gotta be flexible...but we gave up on it in hammers. damn, the volunteers on these games were great and great fun too....

WOB then Caber then Sheaf to round out the day.

Wob was gonna be weird because we were throwing the 21 not the 28.  7 Pounds doesn't sound like much, but it changes timing...significantly.  Laura, Angela, and I were busy discussing when the hell to come in on the event.  I only have like 6 throws in me~max.  I usually come in at 12...I've missed it sometimes...but with the lighter weight...ugh...Laura wanted me to come in at 18...I think I slapped her.  We decided on 14.  I missed my first throw....shot waaaaay behind me.  Laura missed too...I got the next one, but Laura ended up with a no height on the event.  I was so freaking bummed for her....completely unfair....stupid "over the bar" part. 

Caber was taper..we were all neck got pinched and left a terrific bruise and the Queen of Cabers?  the woman who I have learned so so much from did not turn the damn thing. 

The A class was being slow on Sheaf so we ended up playing with the larger caber just for fun. (that sounds dirty) bag...and my fork is too thick (that sounds dirty too!)  I couldn't get it off the bag(sigh), only cleared 18. LAME.  BUT we got to watch Angela set a state record for the sheaf.  Hot damn this woman can throw beautiful!

Laura was giving me shit about how I was going to beat her....I had a really really hard time hearing her...It made me feel...odd.  She was right, the WOB allowed me to pull ahead of her.  I really have known since I met her that I would never beat her.  But sport is sport and you never know what will happen. 

And lie...was fucking happy for me. 

She is a true athlete..... 

After the games there was much rejoicing....this had been a work in progress for 5 years and they pulled it off.  I really hope that any female athletes out there who missed the games this year will go next year.  Let's double the numbers...we had 29 women on the field!  60 next year.... 

Amazing stuff....And for my masters ladies...Keep your nipples to the sky ladies, nipples to the sky.

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