

Monday, April 15, 2013

Back to the numbers

Since both Sarah and my cardiologist told me to lift what I want...I thought I should get some of it down...I am lifting and trying to stay with the programming, but I also find myself making excuses for not doing the things I commit to. Today was a perfect example.

Last night, I dug out some implements with the intention of throwing while Vivi was in her acting was windy...and I didn't change my clothes....and it was windy. So I get home..I can still throw at my neighbors right? But dinner wasn't done....and it was windy....

All I really needed to do was take 10 minutes and I didn't. Lame. I am sharing a rut with Marz I think. Some of the health crap is getting in my head too....had another "incident" on Sunday. I get annoyed and disheartened when it happens. Still, just excuses. I don't seem to be able to kick myself in the ass these days. At this point last year? I was throwing 3 or 4 days a week...

Ok so...enough whining.

At noon..I spent an hour throwing in the gym...sheaf...wfd foot work...hammer winds...stone too. Then I went back at 5:30 to do the cleans I had missed. Pam was there and I decided to add the bench press to my day....banded.
3x3 65,85,105
3x1 115, 135 (missed this) 125.
I forgot how crazy the banded lifts can be.

Then my cleans..hang cleans.
65, 85, 105, 125
Marz helped with the last set cause I didn't want to do them...they felt felt good to feel the pulse rise...then come back down.


I did this weirdo plyo work...jumping with this jumps, vertical extra fattiness was felt during these.
3x5 clean pulls...@155
3x3 dumbbell snatches @ 45

Then 3x10 of back extensions and good mornings.

At the end of Friday...I felt like maybe I could really start to train again...

Saturday, I spent in an Olympic weight lifting class...oh...and hour and a half or so of snatches...yeah....Learned something about the pull...about actively getting under the bar...I think it is gonna change things for me.

Sunday...I crap....crappy crap. All in my dizzy once too...not thrilled about that. Made me get in my own way even more than I usually do...which is saying something huh!

Today...well..I didn't throw...and I never made it back for the second class. Lifting took a while. I swear Sarah, Faith, and I were not screwing around...but it took forever.

Front squats....I haven't done these in a while.
We are supposed to start at 75% of our one rep max...jimmney Christmas.. That means 185...I actually don't believe Will when he gives me the number. Supposed to go to 80 or 85% I don't get there...and yes....I freaking wet my pants on the last damn set. I only go up by 5 pounds by each feels heavy...heavy...heavy.

Start at 185 end at 210....which is only 79%

I gotta snap out of this...I only have 5 weeks to train for worlds and I feel like a mess.

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