

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

rehashed nicities...


the last couple of weeks I have been seeing friends post along a similar thread....

Platitudes....a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful.

I am guessing I have posted about this before, either on here or on Facebook...there are a few that drive me crazy.

"It is what it is"  really...well can I change it?  does it need to stay that way?  

"Everything happens for a reason."  UGH...

But...I digress...other people write about these things far better than I do.  

This was the first one I saw...when did being happy become the goal of my freaking life?  Sometimes I am miserable...and I learn from that place...


OK same author I know...but here is one on "passion." There is a life to be had even if I can't make money on my passion...I am not a fucking failure for not being an actor that is able to make a living... 

Find your passion 

And here is a controversial one...unconditional love.....this one causes parents everywhere go up in smoke...but really.  Read this blog and tell me there aren't conditions to love...there are and when we try to live up to this idea for someone else, we often get treated like shit or abused under the guise of " you have to love me unconditionally no matter how I treat you."

Unconditional love

And my fav....If you read ONE of this one...

It didn't happen for a reason.

Don't you dare tell me I have "something to learn" or "god only gave me what I could handle"....from any loss I have suffered. Way too easy to feel like I am just supposed to be "good enough" to let it go.


The work that needs to happen is the WORK of grief...

Ok rant over...

Oh....I am not a special freaking snowflake....we all need to just put in the work.....

Lifting or grieving...working or loving....

put in the work.

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