

Saturday, January 5, 2019

first week


Week one/

No. Not some New Years thing...week one with some new programming.

Ultimately, the actual moves were not very different.  I mean, there were a few things that I haven't really done before. Some basic things, like lat pull downs and seated chest row things.  Like I said, basic, but coming from the two gyms I came from; not a surprise. 

This week as easier in terms of planning as I had Monday and Tuesday off.  I am still not sure when I am going to workout in a regular way. This week I left work in Santa Fe and drove straight to the gym in Albuquerque.  That may work, not all the time....but I will try it for a while.  I know there will be times; auditions, late appointments, appointments for Emery that will keep me from it.  But, James had asked me how often I thought I needed to workout.

I know that my body deals with 4 days of lifting....So that's what he gave me..this also means, that if I miss a day, I have flexibility to make it up.

As I think about trying to get to the gym, in Albuquerque from Rio Rancho, the drive to Santa Fe for work early in the morning...I just get...ehhhhhh....


Here I go.  When I opened that program, I thought, well this isn't very much, it won't take that long.  But the work, working up to the working set...that takes a lot of time.  And...well, I am old..I rest in between...

The odd thing about the first week for me was that the workouts were not all that different from what I was doing, I mean you know...squat, bench, dead, overhead something or another.  Then accessory work.  But...there is a different way of approaching these workouts.  I have been using super sets...James sent me a video outlining how he wanted me to do the accessory work.  They are not to be done in super sets,  I am to do sets until I get to a point when I might not finish the set and THAT will be my working set.  That I need to push these to possible failure.


That changes things.  I am used to holding back, to gauging what I need to do to get to the next move. It was very interesting to push everything to the edge of my capabilities.  I mean, I believe there is a place for the super set..but this has been enlightening.  Interesting to learn about myself. 

How much do I hold back for the "maybe" for the "I might need this later."

I am super sore...and looking forward to next week.

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