

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Believe them...when you should.

And this is one of those times.

I remember a lesson I learned way back in 2005....when someone compliments you. Take it.  When you say to that person, "oh no I'm not..blah blah, are actually telling them that they are liars."

Thanks Eric!

So, why do I bring this up you ask?  I go an invite to a game last week.  When it came in, all I could think was...well, I'm not up for that. I am not good enough. I am not on that level. I can't. I can't I can't. Waaaa  Waaaa Waaa.....

I have been in this position before...women's worlds in Phoenix....and yes, I got my ass handed to me, but who the heck cares....I got invited. The AD said to me, no you earned this.

So why when this particular invite came in; why did I go straight to the same voices?

Well, for one..I am I forgot?  No...I am just older and I haven't thrown a 28 in like 4 years. And honestly...I know this AD well...and, sigh, I thought it was a pity invite.

Invite the local old lady.....



I essentially called my friend Chad  liar...

He is a stand up fucking guy, I mean have you met him?  Too bad for you if you haven't.

But seriously...if he invited me...he invited me.

Sorry Chad....  😄  I'll try not to be such a jerk again.

Will I bring up the rear? Fuck yes?  Do I care? No!

It's exciting to throw with women like this...I JUST freakin' wrote about this, and now look at me, the local little old lady getting to throw with the Women's IHGF for the caber Championship in Albuquerque.  Getting to surround myself with a bunch of AMAZING athletes....


I am warning ya though...I may be complaining about the 28 while I am training for this, why? Because I can and I think it's funny that 7 pounds makes such a difference.

1 comment:

  1. AHAHAHAHAHA! This was a great post... <3

    I had a Native American student of mine ask me today if we had any chants that we do during our games...I thought for a minute...

    "Well, we do this one event where you throw a heavy weight over your head and hope it goes over the bar. It's called 'Weight for Height' or 'Weight Over Bar' remind us to do it properly, when you get it here (demonstrating) you yell "NOODLE!!!!" and when you get it to here (demonstrating) you yell "ARM!!!!"

    Does that count?"

    He laughed and said, "Yeah...I think that counts."


    I think it also counts to yell out, "It's hot, and the weights are heavy..." ;)

    Whatever gets you through the day, lady...bc now I will forever think of "noodle, arm" as our 'chant'... :P
