

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Slow lessons

Not sure what number lesson this is from the gym.


Major lesson number from IronSoul?


Y'all know I started this 9 years ago, at the gentle nudging of my friend Rod..and was CrossFit first.  For probably 3 years I did CrossFit.  Then I stayed at a CrossFit gym, even though I did my own thing in the corner...there were a few years there that I went back and forth.

AnyHooooo, what's this got to do with lesson #57 from IronSoul?


I don't know how to go slow.

CrossFit is pretty much always against a clock... and the other issue with me is...lunch.

I love me some lunch, sorry, I digress....I have, for many years, worked out during my lunch hour.  Which really means, 45 minutes to train.  45 minutes...

That's not really enough time to train, to workout, yes...but...well, I have done what I could.

Which brings me to IronSoul....and the people I see there.

They are slow, in the very best way possible.....time, technique, specific, clean.  I am finding myself continuing to speed through workouts.  I had 5x5 bench yesterday and I was whipping through them...then I looked around and thought....slow....

Slow lifts, slow descents mean more control, mean less panic to complete the lift, mean better damn form.

I have had people spotting me say that, oh that looked easy, and I suspect it's because I am speeding through....Perhaps when I slow down...I can lift more.

I can leave the speed for the field...not the weight room.

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