

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


 Popped into CVS to grab someone's meds the other day....and well, right now there is still a bit of an issue with people getting at home tests...I think...

Anyhoo....I approach the door and outside there are no less than 4 on either side of each door and one ON each door that say.... "At home tests are at the register, not at the pharmacy."


In side...I kid you least you walk in on varying size stands. 

As I walk to the back of the store toward the pharmacy...every single aisle....on BOTH sides....the same sign.


I get to the least 4 more signs as you approach the LEAST.


So I get to the counter...a young woman calls me up and the manager is standing at the register next to her....I try to gather myself up, but I lose it and start laughing....a little too loud.


The manager asks...  Are you ok?

Me: yea, I was going to try to ask you if I could get the home test kits from you, but I could not stop laughing.

Him: Yea, can you believe it, people still ask.

Me: No....(laughing harder)

YW: Oh god yes, they ask.

Me: Dang, I wish I could have pulled it off.

Him: This is by far better, glad you have a sense of humor....

YW: We need it.

Him: More of it.

Me: Well I am happy to be stupid entertainment, so tell me, can I have a test?

And we all laugh.

At the CVS.

Frustrated and laughing....

I mean....let's laugh, cause I am tired of crying....

But I sure did leave with a smile....and no home test.....  😅


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