

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Moving. has been a long weird "season" for me.  I was supposed to be in Tucson this weekend, but my knee was telling me otherwise and now, well.....Grant is super sick.  Yup after more than 2.5 years he finally got covid; so we would have had to cancel anyway.  Emery and I don't seem to have it, but we are all being careful in the house.  (Emery and I have also kept up with certain measures that help with not contracting it or making symptoms

ANYHOO......I started the off season last year needing a break...I ended up taking a break from the gym and trying yoga for a month. Which has, well, turned into a year. has been pretty much every dang day.  Recently I have started to do some days on my own without the videos. This month though the month's focus is "meditation" so...I think I kinda need that.

I also eventually changed gyms and changed trainers too. I am really looking forward to what this next year will bring from these folks at Elevate.  I worried for too long that I was not right for that place or that I was being judged for being,  But I've let that go.

One of the trainers at Elevate came up to me recently and said that during a meeting or something they had talked about me and how I laugh in the gym. I immediately apologized and he said..."'s are having fun."  And I am...I mostly laugh at myself when I am clumsy or when I try something new and can actually DO IT.

I also gained some weight this year....kinda a lot....and I sometimes struggle letting that simply be.  I knew trying to heal from years of eating disorders might have that effect, I was warned.  Ha.... and I must confess....I had a slip...I tried "just doing a sort of diet" a "this isn't a diet" diet...and boy oh quickly I slid right back into the disordered thinking..compulsive counting, weighing food, and weighing myself twice a day....didn't take much to trigger that shit. So, I am trying to refocus and let go and my body.  

I read something from a dietitian who works with people actively healing from this crap and she warned that someone like me may never be able to focus on what she calls "intentional" weight loss...As soon as you count a little and see a little loss, then you restrict more and more to keep that going until...well you are right back on that roller coaster.  Which from my little experiment this year....yeah...that rings true for me.

One of the other things that shifted for me was goal setting...I realized how negatively I was talking to myself about my throwing because I am older and heavier.  I had a shift in Norway.  Being around all those amazing athletes...and really taking it in that I actually belonged there; I started to find joy...real joy in moving again.  Not as punishment for being fat...or punishment for eating too much.....or to balance out the "see I am a good fat cause I work out" horror show of self hatred.

And you know....I have thrown better than I have in YEARS once I started to let some of that shit thinking slide off my back. Mid year I set goals...and you know I got 4 of the 8 I set.  

I think that is pretty cool.

So, I have 8 more goals for 2023....and I'll be even older, but why can't I?  Even if I can get 1...I think that would be pretty cool.  

And as for the moving with joy piece...these are from Wichita... which turned out to be my last game and not a great throwing day for me over all. I was out in the field goofing off and had no idea Larry Ventress was capturing this....what is this?

Oh right: Joy.

Pure fucking ridiculous joy that I can move.

 Do I still struggle when I look at these and think, "oh I don't look like an athlete...oh my gosh I am fat," yea...It is there a little....but I also remember how hard Laura and I were laughing and in that top can see that Grant was looking on and laughing too...and no one admonished me or pulled me aside to say "tone it down."  That voice, that judgement only comes from inside the house later...if you catch my drift.

Well, there may be some folks that saw this silliness in the field and were like...ugh....but as Dr Seuss said:



Or...move how you feel.... 😏

On to  my off season goals: healing the knee and my self talk.

See ya on the field in Phoenix!

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