

Monday, February 1, 2021


There have been a few things I had wanted to write about, but after January 6th....all that was going to come off the page was.


So, here I am now, in February, still feeling a bit what the hell.  Frankly, still not knowing what to write about...Should I rehash my weight struggles?  oh fun...let's all listen to that again...Should I whine about my lack of an artistic outlet....oh let's to THAT.....Should I complain about workouts and my Achilles....

So many choices....

So much much first world middle aged white lady problems.  WHEE!


So all I will say is this...I have been throwing a little bit...on Sundays and well, this week, my ankle was fine.  There was only stone, WOB, and sheaf....but still, sheaf often hurts.  Monday workouts have been Bench for like a year? Not sure...well....I can't anymore.  Momma cannot bench and upper body workout the day after throwing.  So, I decided I shall dead lift on Mondays from now on.

Riveting Blog...amiright?

I have also been consistently missing one day of workouts....Last week's excuse...I had some body work on Friday that nearly killed me.  I was still...ooookie....on Saturday so I skipped it.  

I shall endeavor to do ALL my workouts in February.


I am also tentatively looking a doing a few games this year...MAYBE....and have actually thought that perhaps I should set some goals for this shitty new ankle and throwing.   I have some things in mind, but it will depend on if these games actually happen....

Anybody out there who throws wanna help me set realistic goals?  I am at a loss....One of the throwers yesterday said..." you should always set goals...they don't have to be lifetime goals....but set some." He is right...but really, my days of "lifetime goals" are well past.  

Which is  Bueller?

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