

Monday, November 12, 2018

weird again.

So, a little over a week ago, I went to Denver.  I took one of my sisters up to Denver for an out patience surgery.

No big deal right...

Well, for those of you who may know me a little better, this is the sister that at one point cut me out of and deemed me unworthy of being in her life.  Most recently, at a birthday party for our Mom, she actually introduced me as  "her Mother's other daughter."

That one still has me giggling.  Especially because the person she said it to, a nun, looked at her and said, you mean your sister.....

Yeah...she asked me to take her up to Denver for surgery.  Honestly, I really don't know why.  She even said, I know we aren't close...

Um, that's an understatement...

But it was truly a moment for me of, "well of course I have to do this."  I still don't know why her husband didn't take her...or a close friend.  But I never asked during the trip.

I am not sure if I did the right thing or not.  I mean, I know it was the right thing to take her, but not addressing the elephants in the SUV so to speak; I mean, didn't I just fall back into all my old patterns that do nothing but harm me?

For 3 days I felt so uncomfortable in my shut down.  But on the other hand...I know I'm repeating was the right thing to take her to Denver.

Just a day later, we received disturbing news about a person we know in the throwing community....that involves being in a hate group...then we had to leave for a national conference of Highland Myrtle Beach SC...Where we learned that other festivals have had their own issues recently too.  Do you know how much fun it is to be in a room full of people when you bring up an uncomfortable topic? 

The someone had just farted.

But worse.

Oh well.

I did not handle things, any of the "things" the last few weeks very well...I went back to the same place that I went last year...right about this time of year, when someone I thought was a friend posted that they thought any parent who supported their transgender child in transitioning was guilty of child abuse. I made a mistake in responding to that post, and saw a whole lotta people from the Highland Community get super fucking ugly and I unfriended a bunch of people.  I also posted I needed to find a new sport. When I said that, I remember getting a ton of support....a ton...and I cried. I cried because I was heard and I wasn't alone; the world, my world isn't really filled with bigots.  They just seem to scream their ugliness the loudest.

Well,  when confronted with some similar things this Fall, I went right there again....that same feeling of "I need to get away from this"...Same stupid behavior too, I found myself responding to a damn Facebook post again, when I know better...and trying to be heard in a room full of people (literally and virtual)  with whom I perceive I don't have any common ground, well, I makes me want to run.

I got a good reminder from my friend Michelle...about Johnny Appleseed. 

She's been planting seeds for decades hoping they will grow into understanding...

I have trouble when I feel invisible though, I get itchy....and these last few weeks have made me feel like I have been rolling in poison ivy.

Not sure where I go from here....not sure how I learn to plant seeds instead of hiding.  I either get silent or I walk away.  Maybe the trick is to drop some seeds as I walk away.  I don't know. 50 years of staying silent about A LOT of things means I really really really struggle to speak up..and confrontation feels like...

icky skin vomit shaky yuck

I'm super articulate....

It's a rough time of year for me...maybe I should just hibernate and hope that my roots grow a little stronger for next year.

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