

Monday, November 19, 2018

Off season and some numbers

Y'all know I had a weird season.  Training was super spotty at best and weird... The biggest mistake I made in 2018 was in regard to expectations.  I know i have said this before, but once my son was recovered from surgery in July and I got into Pleasanton, I just thought I could kick it hard and well...whatever I thought.  Great lesson though. I am fully aware that training is year round...but there is all this talk about "off seasons."  Frankly, I am not at any sort of level that I should really take an off season, right?

Hmmmm  I'm not so sure.  Driving the same drill, the same or similar workouts all the time doesn't really work, at least not for me. Personally, I get bored which then turns into lazy...but beyond my personality flaws...there really is something to be said for shaking it up.  

This article lays it out better than I can...

off season

Part of why I bring this up is because of what I have heard and seen in my tiny little part of the community over here in New Mexico.  See...the World Master's Game is going to be in Tucson next year...which seems to have people in a bit of a tizzy.  Well, throwers in the Western half of the US seem super excited and a little crazed to "get their numbers" to qualify.  I get it, but I worry that for some of them, they will forget the power that can come from taking a bit of a break.  

Heck...we used to not even hold practices much over the winter, so switching to every other week seems like we are still throwing a lot....I know for me, the constant drive can work against me.  It's about the long range planning.  

Yeah Yeah, I am being a bossy old broad, the article...shit, not like I know any of these folks will read this.... giggle.

I know for lots of throwers, off season means a second sport, powerlifting, weightlifting, strongman..I know that's what Heather and Juli do, and well...yeah.

Ok.  I'm done, off my stupid box (for now).

So, Mona, what's your plan?

Shit, ask BJ....kidding,  I know to kick this shit off we are doing Deadcember. After that?  Dunno.  I know I'd like to get some of my "strong" back...  I miss it and it completely effected my WOB this year.

OHHHHHH..... I am almost done with the post program was a 14 week program, filled with weird shit....No traditional squats, some Hex deads...and I can't even remember what.  If I am honest, I did NOT get through the whole program.  Lots of the programing was way to long for my little lunch break workout time.  BUT....

Even so...I made some very cool gains, not just with lifts, but cardio crap too...


Triple Bench:  125 to 130
Triple Hex dead  285 to 335
Tripple Squat   235 to 285
Triple Broad Jump 20.15 to 21.20
Kneeling chest pass 190 inches to 270 inches
Airdyne 10min 99 cal to 127 cal

I have some running left to test, but it's been too cold for my lungs...

So bizarre to have both lifts and cardio go up. The lifting is funny though, because I don't think any of those are lifetime bests, so I have actually have lifted those kinds of numbers before...I just had not done it in a while and I am also 40 pounds lighter than when I was "lifting heavy."  I have felt weak over the last 2+ years. 

It also is a goddamn wake up call.

What could I possibly do if I can actually focus.  If I can give myself a year to really focus...or shit at this point even 6 months...what could I allow my body to achieve if I just listen to BJ and do what he asks?

If I just listen to Grant and Chad and Heather and Edie and Cindy and Rachel and all the other voices who actually believe in what I might be capable of doing with this broken down middle aged body? Even if I never "get there" (where ever there is), I will at least know I am giving this body a shot.  I still feel like I am working out on borrowed time given the stenosis and the numbness that is creeping in more and more frequently.

Maybe I need an off season from my demons too.

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