

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Long ago and far away, I used to write about the goals I would lay out for myself before a game.

So, here is a short check in. Mostly to get this writing habit a kick in the pants. 

We are headed to Colorado this weekend.  It is a small group of Masters women, all but one I know and have thrown with before.  I honestly cannot remember how many times I have been to this game. I do remember one year CJ riding a unicorn toy after we were done....but I cannot remember how many times we have gone.  It is the same weekend as Flagstaff, so there was always a choice to be made. Well, this year Flagstaff has only a demo for athletics so....there ya go.

Honestly, it was silly of me to sign up for these games so close to coming back from Norway, but whadda gonna do?

Goal, goal,, I am still not feeling great and I JUST got back to the gym this week....and OH MY GAWD....the throwing area we have in the back yard is utter trash at the goals....

Maybe not fall down?

Ok Ok....focus on...FORM.  No number goals for me this time.  We head back to Colorado in like two weeks, so maybe I'll have goals then for numbers....

I have though, been working on my goals for the year. I did write down some super scary way the fuck out there numbers...because you know...why not.

I had this thought after Norway, that I always censor my goals to "what might be possible" and perhaps after all these years I could shoot for impossible goals and just see what happens. Don't get me wrong...The might be possible goals have often not been attained either...and sometimes they have functioned as a midway point sort of goal.  

They are good solid stepping stones.  But....what if....

Yup, this next year might just be the "What If..." year.

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