

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Are you ready?

 I was talking to a friend recently about my upcoming game. As anyone who has read this blog for any amount of time, you are aware that Pleasanton is one of; if not my favorite game.  They asked how I was feeling, and I said "not ready."


As I've written about recently, I am having the season I trained for....I been busy doing other things this year....but Grace asked me...."what does ready mean?"


Oh, huh....what does ready mean to me.  I spent a couple days mulling over this thought....


Does it mean I am throwing the best I have ever thrown?


Does it mean I am throwing the best I can right in this moment?


Well, what does it mean then?

I decided that feeling ready for a game like this; feels like being ok in my own skin, like feeling solid on my feet, like trusting my body knows how to throw. When I feel those things is when I have "felt ready." being "ready" is mostly in my broken little brain....along with making sure I am working my drills and basics of throwing.


Got it.  Find your feet and have some fun.



Oh another note, a women I admire a whole lot has a blog....go give it a read.... Life and strong man things are on the menu.

 Link below!





Monday, August 12, 2024

Colorado....and migraines.

 How'd that second game in Colorado go?

Well, like I said about Elizabeth...I had the game I trained for.....but....something came up during the game.

As we were wrapping up the athlete meeting, I felt like I had something in my eye...oh shit.

Nothing was in my eye, but I couldn't see....fucking migraine.

I had just had one the weekend come on, no way.  Yup.

Choices choices, what to do....We started on hammer....GAG,  I know we probably should have left...just gone back to bed at the hotel, but I was so mad.  I was upset with my body, with myself.  Like what the heck am I doing wrong that I am still getting these dumb things.

I did learn a whole Midol is AMAZING for migraines.  I felt like an idiot, but all these lovely women were taking care of me. Not letting me shag, making sure I stay hydrated, helping me off the field when I felt nauseated.

Ultimately, I should have left so that I didn't burden the ladies on the field; but my irritation at myself and my the better of me.

I felt so betrayed by my own's a terrible theme lately.

I've got 18 days before Pleasanton and I think I may spend the week before the game only throwing.  Focus...I know I won't be at my best for that game, but I want to be more prepared than I am now.

Anyhooo...That's it for right now.