

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

magic....and work.

I think there are places that hold some magic...I am sure we could all list places, the big places everyone lists.  One of my magic places is Flagstaff.

Yeah Flagstaff Arizona. 

Just hush with the eye rolling please. 

I mentioned a few weeks ago, before Flag, that 5 years ago something big shifted for me when I was there.  I Haven't every really talked about it publicly because...well, it caused a lot of pain as well.  And well, people are judgey....I know I can be too.  To make a long complex story super vague, It was 5 years ago in Flag that I felt something snap and I knew I needed to gather some freaking courage and tell my husband at the time that we were done.  I mean, we both knew it for years, but there we stayed. I had fallen in love with Grant; it was when I got home from that weekend in Flag that I finally said the words.  It has been a long, terrible process unfortunately, but that's just the way it went.

Well, a few weeks ago, in Flag, I felt something crack open, shift, move, change again.  Something lifted dear reader...right off my heart.  I don't what it was, forgiveness of myself; perhaps, a deeper understanding of letting go.  Whatever it was, I no longer felt this underlying sense of responsibility for how other people behave or react.  That is kinda huge for me. 

It was tested in a big way on Tuesday of this week.  I went to the Pharmacy and discovered that the kids insurance was no longer there. I texted the ex to see if there was an issue...he hadn't paid for it this quarter. Now, I am not going to say I wasn't mad...I was, but I didn't "go off" on him.  I told him he should have contacted me so that I didn't find out more than a month after it was cancelled. But that was it.  I, of course, went into "fix this" mode, but really....I have been expecting this for a very very long time and you know what? 

I knew it wasn't my problem either.

It is no longer my job to get him or anyone else for that matter to understand what *I* think they should be responsible for... (or the court thinks they should be responsible for).  He is who he is and my guess is he is doing his best; and shit, I am who I am and I am just trying my best too.  This is, as they say, what it is.  How it always was really and that is ok. 

I was no longer fighting, trying to get him to hear me or see me or understand...anything... 

That, I think, is what let go in Flag a few weeks ago.

Ok....I know. enough with the woo-woo.

Yeah Flag, but what did you do to prep for Pleasanton Mona??

Well, yesterday, I skipped the gym...but once it cooled off a bit I tried to throw in my yard...I got out a little late and there were some complications so I didn't actually throw.  But I did do hammer winds.  Discovered something interesting..... I had unknowingly changed my set up.  I have been setting up for my throw by looking down at the head of the hammer, never a good thing.  So, I worked on that little piece. 

Then lots of PT work and sleep...

Today I had another weird workout...all these 5 minute AMRAP things...Presses, push presses, jerks, KB swings, snatches, goblet squats....oooooffffff.  Then I had to finish with a 1000 meter row....ugh.  Well, I could have chosen the 800 meter run,

My goal for this weekend's practice is to actually film some of my throws.  I am terrible about that.  I bring the phone holder thinggy and never set it up.

It's the little things, isn't it?

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