

Thursday, August 23, 2018


Yet another oooops.

It's been a while, there are less than 2 weeks now until Pleasanton. I've been making the time to throw in the evening, but it's been raining, so...yea... Chad worked with me a bit on WFD on Sunday...Pushing vs. pulling.  It's pretty cool that I could actually feel it.  I'm not gonna have that dialed in, but I got something new to work on.

I mean, I am not gonna suddenly stop working on stuff after Labor Day.

I am looking forward to the other pieces of the trip too...Extra time in San Fran, Kerry, Matt...

And this kid:
 I saw this and it reminded me of the last time I was in Pleasanton. I had had heart surgery like 3 months before and really was pushing it.  I took third and I was freakin giddy. I am letting go of "I was good once" of "what's that record" of "no one will like me if I don't crush it." (whatever THAT means)...Imma be a happy kid...and enjoy the fact that I am there and that I can still move (thanks Crow)

This year...I am gonna be giddy stepping back on that field.

Oh, how close am I to that 100? no closer, but that's ok too.  I have yo-yo'd so much in the last 10 years....It is always frustrating to see it go up, especially when I was lifting super heavy. I mean, I get it, sometimes that extra weight helps, but I often tell myself it has more influence than it really has...Oh well, it is all a roller coaster.  Isn't it?

I have been a litle remiss in my thank you's too....I was finding it impossible not to name practically everyone I have met at the gym and on the field...ha.  There is some truth in that.  But I wanted to thank my friend Lisa Bradley for keeping me in these games too.  She kept me going before I even found the games.  She's the person who introduced me to Paul the magic man....when I was low...and in constant pain.  Then I roped her into games too...

Lisa gave a name to my condition: Adult Onset Athlete.

She gave me more courage than I can really define...And I am hoping she finds some Highland Athletes in Ohio to play with soon....

Sorry for the shorty, but I've been working on another project and my fingers and brain are tired. 

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