Actor or athlete?
Why can't I be both? I know I have blathered on before on this blog about the struggle of being both. About comments from my theater family that because I post so openly about athletics that they assume I am not interested in acting. You know, I don't get called for readings and such anymore because I (sarcastic tone here) have to post sooooo much about athletics.
Well...athletics...throwing~lifting~gym crap is in someways is easier to post about. After all it is quantifiable. There aren't really numbers associated with acting. I can't track my "acting goals" on a spread sheet. Such a subjective beast~art. Then you add the additional issue that I am HORRIBLE at self promotion...ICKY POO. I had a wicked blow this summer when I was told I was cast...and it just someone who is a fine actor...but a wicked self promoter.
So I think, often, maybe I am done as an actor.....the egos I can do without...cause never mind.....that's not true. I have "labeled" myself an actor for so long...what would that feel like to just stop? When I took a self imposed break from acting to help Kegan with college apps and auditions, I had a friend warn me...."If you aren't doing it...people forget who you are and a year can turn to 10 years in a heart beat." The small group of talented folks I work with~laughed. But I knew she was right. It's my job to get out there...but maybe I don't want to...maybe, like I said, I am done.
I have become more comfortable with the quantifiable.
Then....I had a rehearsal. I love this work, I love who I am when I work. I am me....just as much as when I am caring for my daughter~ just as much as when I am throwing.
The next morning, I found this's long, but boy oh boy it spoke to me. Read it if you care to.
I am not "inherently" anything...I am me and who I am around helps define what I do.
"Authentic Self"
"We don't have an authentic self. We are always a product of the interactions with people around us. They aren't interfering with the production of our identities; our interactions with them are the production of our identities....
......I've talked about this in the past, particularly when it comes to labels....I am a lot of things. I am a wife, a mother, a friend, a student, a
teacher, a feminist, a humanist, a liberal, a daughter . . . Each of
those identities is important to me, and each is dependent upon other
people for their very existence"
I am an actor...when I am acting....
I am an athlete...when I am athletic....
I am a lover....when I am loving....
I am a mom.....when I am a mother....
and on and on and on.
I am not the labels, I am the action....
I am.
I love this Mona. Thanks for the perspective!