

Thursday, November 9, 2023


 About 2 weeks ago I went out to get the mail. Flippin through the tiny stack, I see a hand written address. I look at the return address and it is from my gym.  Oh my.  Hilarious that my first thought was, "oh no, what did I do?"  

I used to say this all of the time when BJ was training me as well....I was just waiting for the last stupid or weird thing I did that would make him want to find a new place to train. Now it has just become a weird thing I say all the time. 

Since moving over to Elevate, I don't say it all the time; but I do think it sometimes.

I really love the work that is done over there.  I love watching the coaches with others and I love what they have done with me. Honestly, working with my coach on goals has been super helpful...I even met a few of my throwing goals this past season...I have seen lots of the posts for athletes that work with the coaches at Elevate and it is great to see both the breadth and depth of the athletes they train.

The level of work that this organization does is kinda mind boggling.  Remember I wrote a while back about the physical mobility testing they did on me?  Well, the gym posted recently that a team of them were doing the same assessments on the team at Brooks Beasts Running....yea....prepping runners for Paris 2024.

The list of athletes they work with is pretty impressive.

But, the work that I see them do with people post surgery, heck, pre surgery too...and kids....and old folks like me....that is even more impressive.

Made me feel like, something switch in me recently, like....I need to be giving back as much as they are willing to throw at me.  I have really been struggling with staying or becoming focused...or whatever....probably like lots of people since say...oh ....2020.  I mean, I work hard in the gym, I do....and maybe that isn't gonna change, but something in my tiny brain has been shifting in the last few weeks.  I have a suspicion that a lot of the shift is due to that assessment and the planning I did with Johnny and Adrian.

I think back to the day I went in for my first meeting there.  I still sorta feel sorry that Johnny got stuck with me, I mean I am happy with being coached by him.....I just know I am a pain in the ass.  I mean I was sooooo guarded and a crabby old bitch the day I met him.  What a good sport.

 I do have fewer athletic goals this year, as I am working with Theater Grotessco on a piece and trying to look at whether or not we can work on MBT fewer throwing goals...but I have pretty clear physical goals anyway...and this switch that has happened, will help.  I know that what I am looking for this year is being more present in my body, focusing on mobility and really listening to what makes me feel healthy.

Anyway....what was the point of this blog today?  

I dunno....I just wanted to give a shout out to my gym and my coaches....they rock.


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