So...Yoga.....I've been doing this little experiment because I needed something different... so what am I up to now you ask? Do you still hate it, you ask? Hmm.
No, I don't hate it. I still hate myself sometimes as I am doing it....I sometimes pretend to hate the free YouTube instructor I follow...but no I don't hate it.
I am pretty sure I would still hate the in person classes though...ha.
Well, what did I want from this and did I "get" it?
I am not sure, I just wanted something different, maybe some flexibility, maybe some peace?
Did I "get" those things on this the 84th day of doing yoga? The answer is a resounding..."eh....I don't know."
I do know that I seem to make sure I find time to fit in some yoga every day. I do know I hate the "flow" style of yoga, that I prefer the quiet, slow, meditative movements. I do know I still struggle with the sinew and bone body that is showing me "how easy a pose is" when they have clearly never had a large belly. I do know that I feel more grounded in my feet.
I am looking forward to my first game to see if and how this influences my throwing.
I came up with a name for my yoga practice as I posted a few photos on line...It seemed to be a bit misleading....
I do know that I have had a few folks ask me...well, what is Mastodon Yoga....oh...sorry...that's just me...doing yoga....I got that nickname in Texas back in 2013...Instead of "bad ass" I wanted something that reflected who I am as a thrower, and someone came up with Mastodon....Old (extinct), slow, big, but strong....I like it.
This little gal seems to reflect perfectly how I feel when I am practicing yoga....
Perhaps in time, if it still feels useful to my mind~body~soul, I will start to feel like this one:
This majestic as fuck Mastodon...but, well...this IS me we are talking about, Probably not....Plus, I'd miss the little beret...