

Thursday, June 10, 2021

and another thing...about excuses....

 Doing some lifty lifts in the gym this morning...Box squats....some one legged leggy presses....some more kettle bell squatty squats...and some weird press things....

They. All. Felt. Terrible. 


Ok why?

Well, I said to myself, could not workout last threw....then traveled more....

So, for the "no excuses" crowd...are those excuses? Or aren't they just the things I have had going on in my life?

For just a moment...self said back to me..."excuses!" then I laughed...because no...this is just the stuff that's going on. So, I let a little more go of those outside pressures to always lift more, always "be my best" crap.

I was in the gym, I struggled, I got something done....

That's it. That's enough.

The game this weekend in Nashville was filled with too much of that "self" voice. I let that imposter thing take over....I let those weird expectations that I feel from the outside squeeze into my brain and my body. So funny too...not like anyone has ever SAID that shit to me...not even Grant...well....maybe Chuck...HA....

What I was unable to do was to focus on form...there were other issues...but I got tight and scared and judgey of myself.

All I can let go and focus on form next weekend in Colorado Springs.  The cool thing for throwing?  I know I was throwing the WOB 19 feet....I just could not clear the bar...but it's almost there.

Everything else?  MEH.

But we went and we laughed harder than we had in a while....and that is worth it!

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