Happy Valentine's Day!
So, I am not nearly as strong as I used to be. I really am not. My squat and dead lift are sad.
The kitty and I are sad, but I really am ok. I am not able to put in the work and you only get the results you train for. I also lost some weight last year and that shifts things as well.
But this programing BJ has me on to try to get me ready for the games has been good. Lots of good work for shoulder protection and lots of "conditioning."
You know heavy fat athlete conditioning. For example today I had to set a timer and do the following for 15 minutes:
7 dumb bell push press
7 Hex Press
7 Ring Rows.
See....a heavy athletes version of conditioning. And it was.
The thing I was happy about today though was my Strict Press...had to work up to a heavy set of 3.
Now my best ever strict press one rep was 130...NOT IMPRESSIVE...to anyone but me. Today, I did a set of 3 at 105!
I'm pretty happy with that.
I am trying to focus on throwing again, but it has been a challenge....lots of things have changed over the last few years and well, I only have so much time and energy. Frankly, the time and energy went where it needed to go.
At the end of 2016...when I did the Power Lifting meet I was in the 250's but my weight went up after I was unable to find other ways to deal with the sadness and stress of my oldest having cut me out of his life. In March at the Phoenix Game I was about 262...sigh..strong, but I felt like crap and it was hard for me to throw at that weight. We jumped on a challenge at Praxis and in 2 Months or so. I took off 20 pounds....I ended up losing more and got back into the low 220's by the Fall.
I was holding that and feeling pretty good at the gym. I had decided I did not have a weight in mind, I just want to feel strong and speedy when I throw.
Well.....(there is always a well for me) ...lots of travel with Emery this year and a trip to New Orleans with Grant in October...and guess what, I took care of myself. Then (always a then) something happened after thanksgiving...I just packed on the weight...up to 241.
I just was not taking care of myself again. I guess I could "blame" the Holidays, but I won't. Grant nailed me this weekend when we were traveling..."You still don't think you are worth taking care of."
OK then...
So...where is the weight now? High 230's...which is ok. But here is the deal, I DON'T FEEL as good at this weight. So....Mona....are you listening?
Take care of you. DUH.
Thankfully Grant didn't say 'DUH' he said something like...these are deeply ingrained patterns, it's ok you are still struggling.
There Ya go. The weight is just weight...it is only one measure...I know that...but it is a measure. So here I go, 2 weeks to the start of my "season." If it turns out to be a real season? Who Knows? I do know, I wanna feel better...I wanna feel good throwing....and lifting...so I would like to get back into the low 220-215...I feel good and still feel strong and I can eat more than fish and lettuce.
As for my expectations for throwing this year?
That's a blog for another day....
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