Dublin is a very cool walkable place.....good thing too cause I had a few Guinness and some cheese cake and lots of "Irish breakfast". Guinness seems to own EVERYTHING and they really know how to market their shit. The VIP tour was a hoot. Found out that if you serve Guinness in Ireland...they maintain the taps and lines and so forth. I think that's why it tastes better.
Dubliners move fast! It's a city people...move over....oh, I have not gotten the hang of looking left before I cross the street....I am gonna get hit.
The people here are very helpful too, had two people stop and help us find what we were looking for, cause if you think the streets in Santa Fe are messed up. They ain't got nothing on Dublin....
I feel like a giant here....like a freak. HUGE doesn't even begin to cover it, I mean, I know I'm heavy right now and struggling with some old body issues...but I am not just talking about being a little more padded than the people here....I tower over everyone....
Odd. I hope I get over this feeling like a huge freak thing soon.
I loved the hotel I booked on line....we got in to Dublin at 5AM, a tricky time to get in, got to the hotel a little before 7AM and the hotel...opened a room...no charge...sweet....spent the next 7 hours walking the city, looking at churches, museums. I was determined to stay awake. Unfortunately, we went to the hotel restaurant for a sandwich and I fell asleep....sitting in a chair...other than that...the lag thing is manageable.
In Scotland today...holy shit holy shit holy shit....I was thinking I loved the hotel in Dublin...it has nothing on this place in Glasgow...walking distance to the botanic gardens....beautiful area...beautiful architecture....on the third floor...it's a full freaking apartment...and it was NOT expensive...
Glasgow...I have one night here and it feels....unacceptable. I don't know how I'll do it, but I must spend a week here....oh, after walking the gardens, we saw a church....I love peeking in when I can, love the opulence, the craftsmanship, but people were sitting in the courtyard...peeked in and the sign said "Whiskey Bar." Fun restoration....full restaurant...live music venue where the altar would have been.
Tomorrow will be our first foray into the country side....just the way the trip got structured. I am seeing tons of photos from people on Facebook...ruins, castles, rivers, stones, sheep....
I'm am looking at a whole different thing. Like I said...it just worked out that way....maybe it's cause I am a city girl deep down......I do look forward to having a longer stretch of time to explore Inverness...see some countryside....oh and throw...yeah.
Been foam Rollin', lacrosse balling, working with the rubber band thing...and yeah WALKING....a shit ton.
I get one day in Edinburgh....I'm sure I will regret the short day here too~then back to Dublin...
I already know I wanna come back....how I have missed this sort of travel. I mean I have been traveling for games the last few years, but it is so different. I know, I know, this is for a game too...but there is so much more to it than that. There is a little piece of that fearless girl that I am nurturing on this trip....she deserves that.
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