

Monday, September 23, 2013

Post something....

Numbers numbers.....I didn't write them down....

I know I did better on the stones....
16 WOB still lives rent free in my head.
Sheaf....didn't even attempt the numbers I should have....

This though...this was the good stuff...the AZian Invasion.

If you look friend Patty is in the back round too....

The games were fun...I never really did get my competitive juices up and flowing. I would like to blame the late season game stuff, but was me.  I learned a painful lesson this weekend, oddly enough, during competition, about holding things in too long,  about saying, "i'm ok" over and over because I wanted to make it true. You know the fake it til you make it thing. 

It has worked in a bunch of games so far, so why not now?  Perhaps because I was surrounded by family.  Lots and lots of family. 

Family, theater family, work family, gym family, highland family.....all came together...all came to this ren fair and stopped by the field.  Either to hang for a bit or just say hi or to get motivated to sign up for Sunday (5 did!) was all wonderful and surprising to me.

Perhaps feeling all this support let something loose in me.  Filled my heart so much that it had to let go. Boy oh by did I crack.  And you know what happened?

no one died...not even me.
no one hates me
no one laughed at me
no one said I was over reacting

all this family....really was family to me this weekend....

Imma be a little fragile for a while I am afraid....and I may just write about it, or not...I may not write at all for a while,  I hate coming off as ungrateful.

You know I still remember the words of my friend Crow while she was coaching me back when I first started Crossfit, "Just be thankful you can move Mona..Just be thankful you can move." 

Not sure why that popped in my brain just now...but it is important to me right now, to this moment in time.  Everything passes....the good, the troubling, even kidney stones, and bad beer, as long as I keep moving. 


  1. Totally okay to crack. Even the strongest do; I've been there myself not too long ago. Lots of hugs to you from me and I'll look forward to giving you some in person ones in just a handful of weeks... and I'll buy you a GOOD beer. XXXOOO

  2. Totally okay to crack. Even the strongest do; I've been there myself not too long ago. Lots of hugs to you from me and I'll look forward to giving you some in person ones in just a handful of weeks... and I'll buy you a GOOD beer. XXXOOO
