The workout yesterday included a rope climb. I actually was a little excited since those of you who follow this blog know I climbed a rope last year. Thrilling sort of moment for me. It had been a while since I attempted...I thought I might have a bit of a struggle....
That's an understatement.
I could not for the life of me figure any of it body just forgot.
It sort of summed up the last few weeks for me.
Things I think I can do~I can't.
Relationships with people have shifted~been painful.
Artistic things have blown up all over the place.
I can't focus in the gym.
I can't throw WOB.
Looking at that rope...made me wanna cry.
Shit, I have been crying...a lot...the last few weeks too. Shameful, big, sloppy cries.
I am not writing either.
The best thing right now?
I am loving working with the actors in Buried Child....they have made me cry too...I wish I could write about the show..but I can't yet. Not sure why I can write about working out and throwing and Genevieve, but I just can't write about the artistic work yet...It feels...private still.
These actors?
Fucking lucky...I know that. lucky all over the place...even with the hard stuff.
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