Sooooooooooooo, Pleasanton this weekend!
Are you excited? Yes
Are you ready? No
What does ready mean? Do I know?
Are you ready to throw? Sure.
Are you ready to kick ass? Um, no, not really...
I thought you were ready to throw? Oh I am, I mean I am gonna throw so that makes me ready. Am I gonna "throw my best"? Am I gonna "rock it" (what ever that means?) Probably not.
Or maybe I am...'cause I am where I am. My body feels how it feels. I did what ever training I did and I can't do more at this point. Do I wish I had thrown "more"? Come on after reading this silly blog for as long as you have you already know the answer...Of course I do, but I prepped how I prepped.
Recently, my coach and one of the other coaches at my gym ran me through a series of tests...mobility type was super informative. And frankly, that's all I have been doing the last three weeks. Mobility and yoga and some limited drills. And have you ever worked on the inward rotation of your hip? Let's just say mine sucks...and not just a little. It's what I've chosen to focus on.
AND then there is the game in Maine....I prob should have written about this sooner...but holy moly.
The one of the most challenging fields I have ever thrown on. If you stood still too long, your feet started to sink and get covered with water. Seriously. I know those of you coming back from Worlds experienced the same stuff!
The lesson what you can. I slowed way down, went to single turns on weights...was super careful with caber. OHHHHH caber....we had a thrower who had her caber stick....yes stick...straight into the ground and just stand there for probably 5 full seconds....while we all stared...while she turned and looked at us and asked if it was moving...then it finally fell. Probably stuck in like 4 inches.
I realized how much attention I was paying to the ground...good thing for me to always. What's the foundation you are building from, on anything...throwing, acting, anything.
Threw with a bunch of ladies I have never throw with before...they were amazing.
The phrase for the game was: No boo boos, have fun!! Highland Games!!!
Sheaf...was a heavy heavy wet bag....Maximum effort for all of us at 18 feet...OOOOOF.
I know I got great lesson last year in Pleasanton about, I take these "ground" lessons with me to P-Town.
I also get to watch women's worlds a little from where ever I am on the field. SQUEEEE!
There is definitely a shift happening for me. My dear friend Donna would laugh at me....but I am feeling my age in a different way this year. I am taking longer to recover and I don't feel as strong. I think I have allowed some of this to affect my joy on the field. Now that I have had this's time to bring some of that focus on my surroundings on the field to my inner self, my energy as well.
As always...this sport has been about self competition...where am I? How can I be better...but it has also brought out the competitor in me....I need to be more thoughtful about that...return to quiet internal goals and to the joy of being around people who are pushing themselves can bring. How can I be the best me in this moment, how can I be a decent 55+ thrower without...damage...HA.
Time to work on something I spoke with the coaches at Elevate about..."How can I be the best that I can be....and not compare myself to the "younger" masters athletes?" After all...these amazing ladies are often 15 years younger than I am. That is real...and significant.
How can I age in a way that hopefully prepares me to care for myself when I am 80? That's why we are working on my silly joints...and my mobility...and strength too...but I am feeling like the days of pushing for the maxes might be better left where they are. Funny that I picked up yoga almost 2 years ago too, isn't it?
As for the last part of the title of this blog...yes, I was on the highway and a kayak flew off another car and hit mine. I am fine...a little shook...and the car needs some work...but yea.
A flying kayak.
Thank god for body workers!
See ya in Pleasanton...and see you when we get back!