
Monday, October 25, 2021
letting that shit go.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
You ever get into a disagreement with someone and one of the things they say to you is, “Fine, I’ll go away and leave you in peace.”
I’m guessing yes. Perhaps you’ve even said it to someone. I’m pretty sure I have too at some point.
Well, this was said to me recently with all the vitriol as that phrase always brings. Instead of pushing back or quickly saying something that may feel like defending myself with a “no no that’s not what I mean” sort of thing. I heard it.
“Leave you in peace”
What was meant by that?
You know….you know that either your presence in my life or the actions you take or the words you use with me….are disturbing, upsetting to me, are “warring” words or actions.
You know…and yet you threaten with peace…and I’m expected to beg you to stay to harm me further…..hmmmmm. I’ve never though of it this way before.
Maybe none of this is conscience thought, maybe it’s a phrase we use carelessly when in conflict.
Return question, why don’t I deserve peace?
I do actually, deserve peace; so in that thought, so do you.
So, I will do my best going forward, to think, “ will this action or will my words create peace or continue to fan the flames of conflict.”
Might not be easy if I’m honest with myself….but now that I’ve heard this differently, I will work at receiving it differently.