

Tuesday, August 31, 2021


 Fuck...I came in here to write a blog and there was one in Drafts from JUNE!  JUNE!

I'm guessing I don't really need to keep this blog going at this point.


I was going to write something about how much I miss my old gym...It hit me again last week while I was working out.  I posted a sweaty photo of myself and was long until I stop missing this place...HOW LONG?


But, I have said it wasn't the place, it was the people. The things I miss...the support of one another...people showing up for each others competitions....the challenges....the parties....the clothing exchanges....the charity events....

Other gyms have great equipment and some lovely folks...but there it is...

It was a moment in time and I was damn lucky to be a part of it.

Go Zia....

I still miss ya and I feel the worse for wear with out you.