It has been more than 2 months since I posted.
I just don't have much to say....I am not super productive during these last 2 months...I have no new skills, except for tying to learn a little Polish on Duo Lingo...but since I can't seem to wrap my head around the alphabet or the sounds, I can't really claim a new skill.
Is my house clean....NO!
Are my closets organized......NO!
Have I taken up yoga.........NO!
Do I have a self care routine.......NO!
But I am working and I know I am lucky for that...It took a while, but I was able to work from home 3 days a week for a while....most of the time productively. In fact, I start working earlier when I work from home....but am I always productive?
Frankly, there are days I am rolled in a ball and I can't even tell you what I have watched on TV. Can I tell you why?
I have read some things about this strong shift and PTSD, but I won't get into that right now.
Rod and I should be prepping for the United Solo show that Motherhood, Barbells, & T-shots, but we can't. For a multitude of reasons.
October seemed like a long way off...but not so much.
I could blather on about the changes I feel....and all the crap I see from people that saddens and shocks me, but I'm gonna post this instead.
He clarifies these times for me as an artist in ways I can't.
No longer an artist, no longer an athlete...the world in limbo.
Just waiting to share space and breathe deeply to share who I am again.